196 pages
23 cm
Primera edición
El estado secuestrado : un leviatán autoritario al servicio del despojo /Joaquin A. Mejia Rivera --Auge y decadencia de la ideología de la desigualdad : un cuestionamiento necesario a la hegemonía neoliberal /Marvin Barahona --Las reformas económicas a partir de 2009 desde la lógica extractiva que sostiene la acumulación por desposeción /Ana Ortega --El impacto diferenciado en las mujeres del proceso binario de acumulación y despojo /Regina Fonseca y Gilda Rivera --Experiencias de despojo y resistencia desde la voz de las comunidades. Acaparamiento, desplazamiento forzoso y luchas por la tierra en la Honduras del siglo XXI /José Luis Rocha y equipo de investigación del ERIC-SJ.
Honduran State has been deteriorating as a result of the institutional failure to guarantee the superior values and interests adopted in the Constitution of 1982. And, although the supreme norm provides for mechanisms to promote the State by law, this ended up becoming a tool of dispossession at the service of minorities and vigorous powers. The five works that make up this work have in common to highlight, from different perspectives, the main features of the binary process of accumulation and dispossession to which the majority of the population has been subjected, due to the implementation of the neoliberal model since the 1990s, and which accelerated from 2009. Institutional deterioration, the role of "legality" in shaping the neoliberal state, the violation of human rights, the worsening of living conditions and the differentiated impacts on vulnerable groups such as women, the rural and Afro-Honduran population are, among others, the topics discussed in this book
Includes bibliographical references