1 Buch (16 Seiten : Illustrationen ; 9 x 8 cm), 1 Stoffspielzeug (in Herzform : rot, blau, dunkelgelb ; 13 x 7 x 6 cm)
Karton, Filz, Papier, Faden
In Schachtel mit Deckel, 9 x 9 x 9 cm
Edição especial
A girl is born with her heart outside of her chest and nobody ever dares operate on it
Title from book
Originally written in 2015
Text in garamond serif typeface. Printed on bold pollen paper (text) and dark red canson paper (cover). 4th printing of 50 copies
Black-colored heart printed on front of book cover and on top of brown-colored box with handmade stamp. Heart-shaped toy is hand-made. Box is hand-embroidered on 4 sides and on 1 flap with red thread