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  • 1
    Format: 1 online resource (143 pages)
    Edition: 2011 Electronic reproduction; Available via World Wide Web
    ISBN: 9780833044372 , 0833041177 , 9780833041173
    Content: Cover -- Preface -- Contents -- Figures -- Tables -- Summary -- Acknowledgments -- Abbreviations -- Chapter One - Introduction -- Background -- Objectives and Scope -- Approach -- Outline of Book -- Chapter Two - What Are the Key Rail-Attack Threats and Their Consequences? -- Introduction -- Weapons and Tactics Used Against Rail Systems -- The Targets of Terrorist Attacks in Rail Systems -- Outcomes of Past Terrorist Attacks on Rail Systems -- Lessons from the Threat Assessment -- Chapter Three - Qualitative Risk Assessment for a Notional Passenger-Rail System -- Introduction -- Laying Out a Notional Rail System -- Determining Attack Scenarios -- Qualitatively Assessing Terrorism Risk -- Chapter Four - Baseline Security and Operational Characteristics of the Notional Rail System -- Introduction -- Defining the Baseline Security Measures -- Notional Rail System Description -- Defining Security Layers for the Notional Rail System -- Chapter Five - Cost-Effectiveness Assessment of Security-Improvement Options for the Notional Rail System -- Introduction -- Assessment-Process Overview -- Characterizing and Estimating Costs of Security-Improvement Options -- Process-Based Security-Improvement Options: Implementing Enhanced Security Training -- Technology-Based Security-Improvement Options: Installing Perimeter Fencing and Intrusion-Detection Systems Adjacent to Ground-Level Tracks -- Infrastructure- or Facility-Modification Security-Improvement Options: Installing Blast-Resistant Containers in Stations -- Perimeter-Layer Cost-Effectiveness Assessment Process -- Prioritize Attack Scenarios by Level of Assessed Risk -- Assess Relative Effectiveness of Security-Improvement Options -- Combine Effectiveness Assessments with Costs -- Generate Preferred List of Security-Improvement Options at the Perimeter Layer.
    Content: U.S. communities depend on reliable, safe, and secure rail systems. Each weekday, more than 12 million passengers take to U.S. railways. Recent attacks on passenger-rail systems around the world highlight the vulnerability of rail travel and the importance of rail security for these passengers. The use of passenger rail and the frequency with which terrorists target it call for a commitment to analyzing and improving rail security in the United States. This book explains a framework for security planners and policymakers to use to guide cost-effective rail-security planning, specifically for the risk of terrorism. Risk is a function of threat (presence of terrorists with intent, weapons, and capability to attack), vulnerability (likelihood of damage at a target, given an attack), and consequences (nature and scale of damages if an attack succeeds). While effective security solutions may address all three components of risk, this book focuses on addressing vulnerabilities and limiting consequences, since these are the two components of risk most within the realm of rail-security personnel. The analysis is based on a notional rail system that characterizes rail systems typically found in the United States. The methodology presented is useful for planning rail-security options.
    Note: Description based on publisher supplied metadata and other sources , Cover; Preface; Contents; Figures; Tables; Summary; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; Chapter One - Introduction; Background; Objectives and Scope; Approach; Outline of Book; Chapter Two - What Are the Key Rail-Attack Threats and Their Consequences?; Introduction; Weapons and Tactics Used Against Rail Systems; The Targets of Terrorist Attacks in Rail Systems; Outcomes of Past Terrorist Attacks on Rail Systems; Lessons from the Threat Assessment; Chapter Three - Qualitative Risk Assessment for a Notional Passenger-Rail System; Introduction; Laying Out a Notional Rail System , Determining Attack ScenariosQualitatively Assessing Terrorism Risk; Chapter Four - Baseline Security and Operational Characteristics of the Notional Rail System; Introduction; Defining the Baseline Security Measures; Notional Rail System Description; Defining Security Layers for the Notional Rail System; Chapter Five - Cost-Effectiveness Assessment of Security-Improvement Options for the Notional Rail System; Introduction; Assessment-Process Overview; Characterizing and Estimating Costs of Security-Improvement Options; Perimeter-Layer Cost-Effectiveness Assessment Process , Limitations on Using the Analytical Assessment ProcessChapter Six - Rail-Security Policy Considerations; Rail-Security Lessons at the System Level; The Future of Rail Security; Rail Security Versus the Security of Everything Else; Conclusions; Appendix A - Qualitative Risk Assessment of Rail-Attack Scenarios; Appendix B - Cost-Effectiveness Assessment Details; References , Electronic reproduction; Available via World Wide Web
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9780833041173
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe Securing America's passenger-rail systems Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 2007 ISBN 9780833041173
    Additional Edition: Print version Securing America's Passenger-Rail Systems
    Language: English
    Keywords: USA ; Personenverkehr ; Sicherheit
    URL: Volltext  (lizenzpflichtig)
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