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  • 1
    Format: XV, 530 S , Ill., graph. Darst. , 18 cm
    Edition: 1. ed.
    ISBN: 9780199546961
    Note: Hier auch später erschienene, unveränderte Nachdrucke , Literaturangaben , Introduction -- Part I. The Plurality of Worlds -- The paradox of measurement -- The emergence of multiplicity -- Chaos, decoherence, and branching -- First interlude -- Part II. Probability in a Branching Universe -- The probability puzzle -- Symmetry, rationality, and the born rule -- Everettian statistical inference -- Second interlude -- Part III. Quantum Mechanics, Everett Style -- Uncertainty, possibility, and identity -- Spacetime and the quantum state -- The directuibs of branching and the direction of time -- A cornucopia of Everttian consequences -- Conclusion -- Epilogue -- Appendices -- A. Proof of the branching-decoherence theorem -- B. Classical decision theory -- C. Formal proofs of decision-theoretic results -- D. Proof of the utility equivalence lemma.
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe Wallace, David, 1976 - The emergent multiverse Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 ISBN 9780191741418
    Language: English
    Subjects: Physics
    Keywords: Quantenmechanik ; Philosophie ; Viele-Welten-Deutung
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