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    Online Resource
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    New York : Wiley
    Format: Online-Ressource (XIII, 344 S.)
    ISBN: 9780471182450
    Series Statement: Wiley Series in Survey Methodology
    Content: A comprehensive framework for both reduction of nonresponse and postsurvey adjustment for nonresponseThis book provides guidance and support for survey statisticians who need to develop models for postsurvey adjustment for nonresponse, and for survey designers and practitioners attempting to reduce unit nonresponse in household interview surveys. It presents the results of an eight-year research program that has assembled an unprecedented data set on respondents and nonrespondents from several major household surveys in the United States.Within a comprehensive conceptual framework of influence
    Note: Description based upon print version of record , Nonresponse in Household Interview Surveys; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; 1. An Introduction to Survey Participation; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Statistical Impacts of Nonresponse on Survey Estimates; 1.3 How Householders Think about Survey Requests; 1.4 How Interviewers Think about Survey Participation; 1.5 How Survey Design Features Affect Nonresponse; 1.6 The Focus of this Book; 1.7 Limitations of this Book; 1.8 Summary; 2. A Conceptual Framework for Survey Participation; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Practical Features of Survey Nonresponse Needing Theoretical Explanation , 2.3 A Conceptual Structure for Survey Participation2.4 Implications for Research; 2.5 Practical Implications for Survey Implementation; 2.6 Summary; 3. Data Resources for Testing Theories of Survey Participation; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Approaches to Studying Nonresponse; 3.3 Qualitative Data from Interviewer Group Discussions; 3.4 Decennial Census Match of Survey Records to Census Records; 3.5 Documentation of Interaction Between Interviewers and Householders; 3.6 Surveys of Interviewers; 3.7 Measures of Social and Economic Ecology of Sample Households , 3.8 Limitations of the Tests of the Theoretical Perspective3.9 Summary; 4. Influences on the Likelihood of Contact; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Social Environmental Indicators of At-Home Patterns; 4.3 Household-Level Correlates of Contactability; 4.4 Interviewer-Level Correlates of Contactability; 4.5 Call-Level Influences on Contacting Sample Households; 4.6 Joint Effects of Multiple Levels on Contactability; 4.7 Summary; 4.8 Practical Implications for Survey Implementation; 5. Influences of Household Characteristics on Survey Cooperation; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Opportunity Cost Hypotheses , 5.3 Exchange Hypotheses5.4 Social Isolation Hypotheses; 5.5 The Concept of Authority and Survey Cooperation; 5.6 Joint Effects of Indicators of Social Isolation and Authority; 5.7 Other Household-Level Influences on Cooperation; 5.8 Multivariate Models of Cooperation involving Household-Level Predictors; 5.9 Summary; 5.10 Practical Implications for Survey Implementation; 6. Social Environmental Influences on Survey Participation; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Trends in Response Rates over Time; 6.3 Cross-National Differences in Response Rates on Similar Surveys , 6.4 "Natural Experiments" at the Societal Level6.5 Subnational Variation in Survey Cooperation; 6.6 Analysis of Environmental Influences on Cooperation; 6.7 Bivariate Relationships of Survey Cooperation and Environmental Factors; 6.8 Marginal Effects of Individual Environmental Factors; 6.9 Summary; 6.10 Practical Implications for Survey Implementation; 7. Influences of the Interviewers; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Interviewer Effects on Cooperation; 7.3 The Role and Task of Interviewers; 7.4 Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Interviewers; 7.5 Interviewer Personality; 7.6 Interviewer Experience , 7.7 Interviewer Attitudes and Expectations Regarding Nonresponse
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9781118490105
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9781118490082
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe Groves, Robert M., 1948 - Nonresponse in household interview surveys New York : Wiley, 1998 ISBN 0471182451
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books
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