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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Warschau/Berlin : De Gruyter Open
    Format: Online-Ressource (112 S.) , Ill.
    Edition: 2014
    ISBN: 9783110401493
    Content: Main description: This book describes the main steps in developing a multi-physics simulation platform, representing the dynamics of a twin screw ship in six degrees of freedom. The interaction between the propulsion system and automation effects is also considered. The presented simulation methodology can be used in the preliminary ship design to analyse propulsion and control system action. Further applications can concern design optimization and crew training.
    Content: Biographical note: Michele Martelli, PhD, is lecturer at Genova University. His research interests concern ship propulsion and numerical simulation.
    Note: FrontmatterContents1 Introduction2 Ship Dynamics3 Ship Propulsion Plant4 Propulsion Control5 Motion Equations6 Propeller & Pitch Change Mechanism7 Rudder8 Validation9 ConclusionsAcknowledgementNomenclatureAppendixBibliographyIndex.
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9783110401509
    Language: English
    Subjects: Engineering
    Keywords: Schiff ; Fortbewegung ; Simulation
    URL: Cover
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    URL: Volltext  (Open Access)
    URL: Cover
    URL: Cover
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