Plesch, D.: Introducing the concept of a weapons of mass destruction free zone. - S. 323-329 Prawitz, J.: A brief sketch of the proposed zone. - S. 331-337 Crowley, M.: Verification and national implementation measures for a WMDFZ in the Middle East. - S. 339-347 Spyer, J.: Israel in the Middle East: threats and countermeasures. - S. 349-352 Datan, M.: Weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East: conditions for disarmament. - S. 353-357 Alani, M.: The Gulf NW and WMD free zone: a Track II initiative. - S. 358-362 Beach, H.: Is there a future for arms control? - S. 363-368 Lieven, A.: Confidence-building measures: lessons for the Middle East. - S. 369--+374 Bailes, A. J. K.: WMD in the Greater Middle East: any lessons from NATO and European arms control and disarmament structures? - S. 375-380 Fitzpatrick, M.: Will nuclear energy plans in the Middle East become nuclear weapons strategies? - S. 381-385 Ramberg, B.: The promise of a Middle East Nuclear Weapons Free Zone. - S. 386-390 Plesch, D. and Christiansen, P.-E.: A Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone in the Middle East: reflections on a project of academic applied International Relations. - S. 391-396
International relations, London : Sage Publ, 1954, 22(2008), 3, Seite 323-396, 0047-1178