1 online resource (171 pages)
Intro -- Jahresinhaltsverzeichnis -- Dank an die Gutachter -- Konjunkturpolitik: Zeitschrift für angewandte Wirtschaftsforschung -- Ziel und Inhalt -- Herausgeber -- Konjunkturpolitik: Applied Economies Quarterly -- Mission -- Editors -- Rainer Winkelmann: Editorial -- Table of Contents -- Damon Clark and René Fahr, Transferability, Mobility and Youth Training in Germany and Britain: A Simple Theoretical Analysis -- Abstract -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Youth Training in Germany and Britain -- 2.1 German Apprenticeship Training -- A Historical Perspective -- 2.2 Youth Training in Britain -- A Historical Perspective -- 3. A Simple Model of Youth Training -- Related Literature -- Assumption 1: Training and Matching Technologies -- Assumption 2: Timing, Information and Wage Determination -- Mobility -- Transferability -- Number of Workers Trained -- 4. Discussion and Conclusions -- References -- Rob Euwals and Rainer Winkelmann, Mobility after Apprenticeship - Evidence from Register Data -- Abstract -- 1. Introduction -- 2. German Apprenticeship Training (GAT) -- 3. Previous literature and hypotheses -- 4. Data -- 5. Empirical Results -- 6. Conclusion -- References -- Axel Werwatz, Occupational Mobility after Apprenticeship - How Effective is the German Apprenticeship System? -- Abstract -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The Incidence of post-apprenticeship occupational mobility -- The data -- Occupational mobility in the Q& -- C data -- 3. Occupational mobility, skill utilization and skill acquisition -- 4. Effects of occupational mobility on labor earnings -- 5. Switching regression model -- 6. Conclusions -- References -- Appendix -- A. Reduced-form multinomial logit estimates -- B. Estimated average earnings differentials -- C. Marginal effects
Felix Büchel and Matthias Pollmann-Schult, Overcoming a Period of Overeducated Work - Does the Quality of Apprenticeship Matter? -- Abstract -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Data and Methods -- 2.1 Database -- 2.2 Measuring Overeducation -- 2.3 Method of evaluation -- Choice of Model -- Covariates -- 3. Results -- 3.1 Descriptive Results -- 3.2 Results from the hazard rate model -- 4. Conclusions -- References -- Denis Fougère and Wolfgang Schwerdt, Are Apprentices Productive? -- Abstract -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The production function -- 3. Data -- 4. The econometric model -- 5. Estimation results -- 6. Collecting the evidence -- 6.1. Very small firms -- 6.2. Medium-size firms -- 6.3. Large firms -- 7. Concluding remarks -- References -- Appendix A: Regional indicators -- Appendix B: Parameter estimates -- Appendix C: Marginal products and elasticities -- Stefan C. Wolter and Jürg Schweri, The Cost and Benefit of Apprenticeship Training: The Swiss Case -- Abstract -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The Swiss system of apprenticeship training -- 3. The cost-benefit model -- 4. The data -- 5. The costs and benefits of apprenticeship -- 6. The apprenticeship ratio and the retention rate -- 6.1 Costs, benefits, and the apprenticeship ratio -- 6.2 Net cost, recruiting benefit and retention -- 7. Conclusions -- References -- Appendix 1: Regressions for 2, 3 and 4 year term apprenticeships and the full sample -- Michael Beckmann, Wage Compression and Firm-Sponsored Training in Germany: Empirical Evidence for the Acemoglu-Pischke Model from a Zero-inflated Count Data Model -- Abstract -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The theoretical framework of the APM -- 2.1 Mobility costs, asymmetric information, and firm-specific skills -- 2.2 Efficiency wages and union wage setting -- 3. Prior empirical work on firm-sponsored training -- 4. Empirical investigation -- 4.1 Data and variables
4.2 Econometric model -- 4.3 Empirical evidence -- 5. Conclusion -- References -- Appendix A. Variables and descriptive statistics -- AppendixB. Derivation of the log-likelihood function of the ZINB model
Additional Edition:
Print version: Winkelmann, Rainer Apprenticeship Training: A Model for the Future? Berlin : Duncker & Humblot,c2022 ISBN 9783428111824
Electronic books.