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  • 1
    Cambridge [u.a.] : Cambridge University Press
    Format: XIX, 411 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
    Edition: 1. paperback ed., repr.
    ISBN: 052153352X
    Series Statement: Cambridge Nonlinear Science Series 12
    Content: Contents: Preface; 1. Introduction; Part I. Synchronization Without Formulae: 2. Basic notions: the self-sustained oscillator and its phase; 3. Synchronization of a periodic oscillator by external force; 4. Synchronization of two and many oscillators; 5. Synchronization of chaotic systems; 6. Detecting synchronization in experiments; Part II. Phase Locking and Frequency Entrainment: 7. Synchronization of periodic oscillators by periodic external action; 8. Mutual synchronization of two interacting periodic oscillators; 9. Synchronization in the presence of noise; 10. Phase synchronization of chaotic systems; 11. Synchronization in oscillatory media; 12. Populations of globally coupled oscillators; Part III. Synchronization of Chaotic Systems: 13. Complete synchronization I: basic concepts; 14. Complete synchronization II: generalizations and complex systems; 15. Synchronization of complex dynamics by external forces; Appendix 1. Discovery of synchronization by Christiaan Huygens; Appendix 2. Instantaneous phase and frequency of a signal; References; Index.
    Note: MAB0014.001: PIK M 031-09-0035
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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