317 Seiten
MAB0014.001: AWI Bio-00-0174
1 The Nature of Quaternary Pollen Analytical Data
1.1 Pollen Analysis as a Quaternary Palaeoecological Technique
1.2 Types of Quaternary Pollen Analytical Data
1.3 Methods of Presenting Quaternary Pollen Analytical Data
1.4 The Data Used
2 Basic Statistical Concepts
2.1 The Rôle of Statistics in Pollen Analysis
2.2 Description of the Binomial and Multinomial Distributions
2.3 The Binomial and Multinomial Distributions in Palynology
2.4 Further Statistical Examples in Quaternary Palynology
2.5 Exploratory Data Analysis and Classification
2.6 The Measurement of Dissimilarity
3 The Analysis of Pollen Stratigraphical Data: Zonation
3.1 The Concept of the Pollen Zone
3.2 Numerical Approaches to Pollen Zonation
3.3 The Constrained Single Link Method
3.4 Binary Divisive Procedures
3.5 Dynamic Programming Algorithm
3.6 The Variable Barriers Approach
3.7 Examples of Numerical Zonations
3.8 Advantages and Limitations of Numerical Zonations
4 The Analysis of Pollen Stratigraphical Data: Comparison of Sequences
4.1 Rationale of Comparing Pollen Sequences
4.2 Numerical Approaches to Comparing Stratigraphical Sequences
4.3 Comparison of Sequences in the Absence of Stratigraphical Constraints: Zone-By-Zone Comparisons 4.4 Comparison of Sequences in the Absence of Stratigraphical Constraints: Classification Methods 4.5 Comparison of Sequences by Slotting
4.6 Numerical Comparisons of Abernethy Forest
4.7 Other Examples of Numerical Comparisons
4.8 Properties of the Numerical Methods of Comparison
5 The Analysis of Modern Pollen Data
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Numerical Approaches to the Analysis of Modern Pollen Data
5.3 Presentation and Comparison of Modern Pollen Spectra from Different Vegetation Types 5.4 Modelling Modern Pollen-Vegetation Relationships
6 The Interpretation of Pollen Stratigraphical Data
6.1 Quantitative Approaches to Interpretation
6.2 Sequence-Splitting, Curve-Fitting, and Time Series-Analysis
6.3 The Use of Pollen-Representation Factors
6.4 Comparing Modern and Fossil Pollen Spectra
6.5 Recurrent Groups
6.6 Environmental Reconstructions
Appendix: The Program ZONATION