105 S.
Ill., graph. Darst., Kt.
1 Faltkt.
MAB0014.001: AWI P6-93-0354
Kt.-Beil. u. d. T.: Karta issledovanij v Antarktike v period Meždunarodnogo Geofizičeskogo Goda 1956-1960 gg. = Карта исследований в Антарктике в период Международного Геофизического Года 1956-1960 гг.
Contents: From the editor. - Organization of the Fourth Antarctic Expedition and its tasks. - Routes of expedition ships. - d/s Ob. - m/s Mikhail Kalinin. - Observatory Mirny. - Unloading the ships. - Operation of expedition parties. - Connections with Antarctic Expeditions of other countries. - Antarctic inland tractor-sledge traverses. - South Pole traverse. - Geophyiscal traverse along the Mirny-Komsomolskaya route. - Work of the Antarctic stations. - Vostok. - Komsomolskaya. - Lazarev. - Brief summary of results of scientific researches conducted by the Soviet Antarctic Expeditions (1955-1960). - The Fifth Antarctic Expedition. - International cooperation in the study of Antarctica. - Abstract. - References. - Appendixes. - 1. Main data of the Soviet Antarctic stations. - 2. Calendar of the expedition ships operations. - 3. Personnel of the Soviet Antarctic Expeditions of 1955-1960. - 4. Period of work of Antarctic Expeditions in 1955-1960. - 5. List of members of the Fourth Antarctic Expedition. - 6. List of clothing for the members of Antarctic Expeditions. - 7. Food supply of the Antarctic Expeditions.
In kyrill. Schr.
Mit engl. Zsfassung