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  • 1
    New York :Academic Press,
    Umfang: 1 online resource (365 p.)
    ISBN: 1-299-47251-6 , 0-323-15405-0
    Inhalt: Foundations of Bioenergetics
    Anmerkung: Description based upon print version of record. , Front Cover; Foundations of Bioenergetics; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Preface; List of Symbols; Chapter 1. Energy; A. Introduction; B. Conservation of Mechanical Energy; C. Thermal Energy; Transition; Bibliography; Chapter 2. Temperature; A. Empirical Thermometers; B. Gas-Law Thermometers; C. Temperature in Biology; D. Kinetic Theory; Transition; Bibliography; Chapter 3. The Measurability of Energy; A. Energy Changes in a System; B. The First Law of Thermodynamics; C. Energy Units; D. Generalization of the Conservation of Energy; E. Energy Conservation in Living Organisms; Transition , BibliographyChapter 4. The Second Law of Thermodynamics; A. Heat Engines and Refrigerators; B. Statements of the Second Law; C. Cycles; D. Carnot Theorems; E. The Thermodynamic Temperature Scale; F. Equivalence of the Ideal Gas and Thermodynamic Temperature Scale; G. Life at Absolute Zero; Transition; Bibliography; Chapter 5. Entropy; A. State Function; B. Integrating Factors; C. Integrals of dQ; D. Properties of the Entropy Function; E. The Measurability of Entropy; F. The Third Law of Thermodynamics; G. Entropy and Chemical Reactions; H. Limitations of the Formulation; Transition , BibliographyChapter 6. Information; A. Probability; B. Information Theory; Transition; Bibliography; Chapter 7. Statistical Mechanics; A. The Statistical Point of View; B. The Quantum Mechanical Description of Systems; C. Ensemble Approach; D. The Most Probable Distribution; E. The Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution; Transition; Bibliography; Chapter 8. Connecting Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics; A. Equivalent Formulations; B. The Partition Function; C. Helmholtz Free Energy; D. Classical Statistical Mechanics; E. Velocity Distribution Function; F. Internal Degrees of Freedom; Transition , BibliographyChapter 9. Information Theory Considerations; A. Information and Entropy; B. Maxwell's Demon; Transition; Bibliography; Chapter 10. Free-Energy Functions; A. Gibbs Free Energy; B. Helmoltz Free Energy; C. Generalized Energy Function; D. Enthalpy and Standard States; E. The Euler Equation; F. Activity; G. Alternative Methods of Solving a Problem; H. Chemical Reactions; Transition; Bibliography; Chapter 11. Radiant Energy; A. The Flow of Thermal Energy; B. Black-Body Radiation; C. Spectral Distribution; Transition; Bibliography; Chapter 12. The Free Energy of Cells and Tissue , A. Solar RadiationB. Photosynthesis and Global Ecology; C. Thermodynamic Calculations; Transition; Bibliography; Chapter 13. Kinetics and Cycles; A. Chemical Kinetics; B. Absolute Reaction Rate Theory; C. Reaction Networks; D. Cyclic Flows; E. Model Systems with Cycling Behavior; Transition; Bibliography; Chapter 14. Ecological Energetics; A. Biochemical Outlines; B. Heats of Combustion; C. Trophic Levels; D. Energy Utilization; E. Energy Flow; Transition; Bibliography; Chapter 15. Applications of the Gibbs Free Energy; A. Electrochemistry; B. Oxidation-Reduction; C. Surface Chemistry , D. The Phase Rule , English
    Weitere Ausg.: ISBN 0-12-507250-3
    Sprache: Englisch
    Bibliothek Standort Signatur Band/Heft/Jahr Verfügbarkeit
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