1 online resource (680 pages)
9781786432636 (e-book)
Sustainability is now an essential objective for all organizations, enabling them to resist adverse shocks and thrive in a disruptive world. This Research Handbook provides expert coverage and practical tips on a wide array of pertinent issues related to current finance and sustainability research. Comprising 31 chapters written by over 60 eminent experts, this Research Handbook provides readers with the latest ideas and propositions regarding finance and sustainability. This includes the significance of corporate social responsibility, environmental and entrepreneurial finance, crowdsourcing, governance and fraud. Despite ethical business practices and corporate social responsibility rules being adopted in various countries, the contributors demonstrate that further efforts are needed to motivate and empower actors to integrate ethical behavior into all business and managerial decisions. Multidisciplinary in reach, this comprehensive Research Handbook features forward-thinking academic and professional literature on corporate social responsibility, sustainability and finance for post-graduate students, researchers and practitioners to explore the forthcoming paths for research. Sustainability is now an essential objective for all organizations, enabling them to resist adverse shocks and thrive in a disruptive world. This Research Handbook provides expert coverage and practical tips on a wide array of pertinent issues related to current finance and sustainability research. Comprising 31 chapters written by over 60 eminent experts, this Research Handbook provides readers with the latest ideas and propositions regarding finance and sustainability. This includes the significance of corporate social responsibility, environmental and entrepreneurial finance, crowdsourcing, governance and fraud. Despite ethical business practices and corporate social responsibility rules being adopted in various countries, the contributors demonstrate that further efforts are needed to motivate and empower actors to integrate ethical behavior into all business and managerial decisions. Multidisciplinary in reach, this comprehensive Research Handbook features forward-thinking academic and professional literature on corporate social responsibility, sustainability and finance for post-graduate students, researchers and practitioners to explore the forthcoming paths for research.
Includes index.
Contents: Part I Corporate social responsibility -- 1. The horn that didn't toot: the surprisingly weak relationship from advertising to CSR / Shawn Pope -- 2. CSR, market value, and profitability: international evidence / Stevan Bajic and B. Burcin Yurtoglu -- 3. Is corporate social responsibility an agency problem? / Hao Liang and Luc Renneboog -- 4. Disentangling financial and ethical effects of corporate social responsibility on firm value / Sylvain Marsat, Guillaume Pijourlet and Benjamin Williams -- 5. How useful are csr reports for investors : the problems of comparing environmental and social disclosures / James Hazelton and Stephanie Perkiss -- 6. Corporate social responsibility and firm innovation / Dongyoung Lee -- 7. A survey of corporate social responsibility and corporate governance / Zhichuan (Frank) Li -- 8. The birth of environmental finance / Huy Nguyen Anh Pham and Vikash Ramiah -- 9. Can entrepreneurship be sustainable without being sustainability-driven : some historical perspective / Erwan Queinnec and Pierre Desrochers -- 10. Sustainability and the evolution of the shareholder wealth maximization paradigm / Frank M. Werner and James A.F. Stoner -- 11. Issue spread determinants in the green bond market: the role of second party reviewers and of the green bond principles / Stefano Gatti and Andrea Florio -- 12. Structured microfinance in China / Hans Byström -- 13. Microfinance and joint-liability lending / John Creedy and Hien Hoang -- 14. Microfinance as an alternative to the imperfections of the financial system / Isabel Sainz-Fernandez, Begoña Torre-Olmo and Carlos López-Gutiérrez -- 15. Comparing founders' specific human capital in traditional versus philanthropic venture capital firms / Jennifer Walske, Mariarosa Scarlata and Andrew Zacharakis -- 16. Examination of the relationship between venture capital and economic growth in emerging markets / Guldem Gokcek -- Part II Governance and sustainable finance -- 17. What explains voluntary corporate carbon disclosures in emerging markets? / Walid Ben-Amar, Philip McIlkenny and Karim Mhedhbi -- 18. Understanding ESG ratings and ESG indexes / Michael Pagano, Graham Sinclair and Tina Yang -- 19. Environmental regulation, financial regulation and sustainability / Imad Moosa and Vikash Ramiah -- 20. Impact investing in social enterprises / Brian Bolton and Carolyn Niehaus -- 21. The low-carbon transition and financial system stability / Carolin Schellhorn -- 22. Environment, economics and ethics: towards an integrated model of 'strong' corporate sustainability / David Coldwell -- 23. Climate risk and the practice of corporate valuation / Roberto Bianchini and Gianfranco Gianfrate -- 24. Value relevance of environmental, social, and governance disclosure / Zuraida Zuraida, Muhammad Nurul Houqe and Tony van Zijl -- 25. The emergence of business sustainability: educational, practical and research implications / Anthony Ng and Zabihollah Rezaee -- Part III Fraud, governance and agency problems -- 26. Corporate governance and fraud: causes and consequences / Yan Alperovych, Riccardo Calcagno and Philipp Geiler -- 27. Sustainability disclosure and earnings management / Eswaran Velayutham -- 28. The effect of publication, format, and content of integrated reports on analysts' earnings forecasts / Suhee Kim, Karen Maas and Paolo Perego -- 29. Crowdfunding as a two-sided platform: development of a crowdfunding participation model / Sunghan Ryu -- 30. Crowdsourcing, co-creation and crowdfunding in the video-game industry / Dina AL-Ghamdi, Tahir M Nisar, Guru Prabhakar and Lubica Strakova -- 31. How to foster responsible corporate governance : voluntary versus legislative approaches / Antoine Rebérioux and Gwenael Roudaut -- Index.
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ISBN 9781786432629 (hardback)
Electronic books.
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