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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    New York, NY :Springer US :
    Format: X, 422 p. 28 illus. , online resource.
    Edition: 1st ed. 1978.
    ISBN: 9781475768305
    Content: The first International Conference on Thermoelectric Properties of Metallic Conductors was held at Michigan State University on August 10-12, 1977. The conference was sponsored and supported by the National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research and the Ford Motor Company. Although the topic may appear, at first glance, rather narrow and of limited interest, it impacts significantly on numerous fields of research, in each instance providing a unique and fru- ful technique for securing important data that is frequently difficult to obtain by other means. Thus, though thermoelectricity is the thread that binds these pages together, the papers constitute a patchwork quilt that includes critical phenomena, superconductivity, many-body theory, quasi one-dimensional systems, liquid metals, to mention only a few. This volume contains the 12 invited and 31 contributed papers, arranged in the order in which they were presented, as well as much of the frequently spirited and always illuminating discussion that followed these papers. Regrettably, not all of the discussion is included. Difficulties with the recording system during the first session (Wednesday morning) did not become apparent before the end of that session, and, consequently, none of the discussion--some of it fairly heated--appears in the proceedings; other remarks were lost to posterity through occasional malfunctioning of the record­ ing facilities and/or failure of speakers to come near a microphone.
    Note: Reminiscences of Work with D.K.C. MacDonald at the National Research Council -- The Absolute Thermopower of Lead -- Evidence of an Anomalous Thomson Effect -- Pure Noble Metals -- Homovalent Noble Metal Alloys -- The Thermopowers and Resistivities of Copper Alloyed with Homovalent and Polyvalent Impurities and the Validity of the Nordheim-Gorter Relation -- Electron Transport in Ag-Hg Alloys -- Thermopower in Alloys of Ag with Zn, Ga, Ge, and As at Low Temperatures -- The Diffusion Thermopower on the Two-Band Model-Separation of Diffusion and Phonon Drag Components in Noble Metal Alloy Systems -- Present State of Experimental Knowledge on Thermopower of Metals at High Temperatures - Above 77 K -- Thermoelectricity in Transition Metals -- On the Thermoelectricity in Uranium Intermetallics -- The Thermopower of Metallic Binary Continuous Solid Solutions -- Calculated High-Temperature Thermopower of Niobium and Molybdenum -- First Principles Calculation of the High-Temperature Thermopower of Sodium and Potassium -- Calculation of Thermopower in Noble Metals Using dHvA Data -- On Calculation of Thermopower of Group I Metals -- Thermoelectric Effects in Superconductors -- Thermoelectric Effect in a Non-Equilibrium Superconductor -- The Use of Toroidal Geometries in Investigations of Thermoelectricity in Superconductors -- Thermoelectric Flux Generation in Superconducting Loops -- Laminar Intermediate State in Superconducting In and Sn -- On the Thermoelectric Effect in a Superconducting Ring -- The Thermoelectric Power of Liquid Metals -- Thermoelectricity in Liquid Metals: A Review of Experimental Methods -- "It Ain't Necessarily So" -- Many-Body Effect of the Electron-Phonon Interaction on the Thermoelectricity in Metals -- Measurement of Electron-Phonon Mass Enhancement in Thermoelectricity -- Semi-classical Theory of Phonon-Drag Magnetothermoelectricity in Metals -- The Magnetothermopower of Single Crystal Indium -- Giant Quantum Oscillations in the Thermoelectric Properties of Aluminum -- Thermoelectric Measurements at Millikelvin Temperatures -- Thermopower Near Magnetic and Order-Disorder Critical Points -- Thermopower of Dilute Magnetic Alloys -- Thermopower and Magnetothermopower of PtCo -- Thermoelectric Power and Resistivity of Yb Diluted in Agl?xAux -- Interconfigurational Fluctuations in the Dilute Magnetic Alloy and Thermopower Measurements -- Low-Temperature Thermopower and Other Transport Properties of Aluminum Containing Dilute Point Defects -- Quasi-One-Dimensional Conductors -- Phase Transitions in the Thermopower of TTF-TCNQ Single Crystals -- Thermoelectric Power of Hg2.86AsF6 -- Thermoelectric Power of Linear Mercury Chain Compound -- Summary Remarks -- Participants.
    In: Springer Nature eBook
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9781475768329
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9781475768312
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9780306400032
    Language: English
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