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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Abingdon, Oxon ; : Routledge,
    Format: 1 online resource.
    ISBN: 9780429023989 , 0429023987 , 9780429654503 , 0429654502 , 0429656947 , 9780429659386 , 0429659385 , 9780429656941
    Series Statement: Routledge studies in modern European history
    Content: "This book focuses on the end of four centuries of Ottoman rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 1870s. After an introduction to the region and the political zeitgeist of the late 1860s and early 1870s, it examines in detail the dramatic years beginning in the summer of 1875, when the outbreak of violent unrest in the eastern Herzegovinian region bordering Montenegro led to a massive refugee catastrophe. The study traces the surprising further political and social dynamics to the summer and fall of 1878, when a Habsburg army finally invaded the Bosnian Vilayet and took control of the province - but only after months of fighting against massive local resistance throughout the province. This book cannot be viewed in isolation from larger political dynamics, which are also constantly present in this study as they unfolded. However, as this book attempts to show, it is hardly possible to understand the often contradictory effects of these larger political dynamics without delving deeper into the complex local rationalities and constraints on the action of the actors involved in them. The End of Ottoman Rule in Bosnia will appeal to students, teachers, and researchers in late Ottoman and Bosnian history"--
    Note: Townsmen, peasants and the reformed society in Ottoman Bosnia -- Upholding stability in the Bosnian Vilayet in turbulent political times -- Crisis at Ottoman-Montenegrin borders escalates (1874/75) -- Efforts for pacification and refugee return -- and its obstruction in early 1876 -- Principalities' anti-Ottoman War and Ottoman constitutionalists' breakthrough -- The Bosnian Vilayet during the devastating Russian-Ottoman War of 1877/8 -- The making of a new imperialistic order in the Orient/the Bosnian Vilayet.
    Additional Edition: Print version: Grandits, Hannes. End of Ottoman rule in Bosnia Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2022 ISBN 9780367109370
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books. ; History.
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