xvii, 302 Seiten
Illustrationen, Diagramme
22 cm
"Over recent decades, a wide variety of studies and assessment reports has portrayed a stark picture of humanity's detrimental impacts on our planet's life and environmental health. Climate change is at the heart of many of these impacts. This cannot be allowed to continue, given the relentless human population growth and ever-expanding energy and resource consumption. We have but one planet, and its ecosystem services are essential to our survival. But the doomsday scenario can still be averted; humanity stands at a crossroads where it must take the route of sustainable behaviour. Decisive action can still make a significant difference to climate change. This is humanity's greatest challenge. To have any chance of success, however, the time to act can be delayed no longer. Instead, it is right now: today is the future. This book documents a wealth of ways to adjust the trajectory of climate change. It outlines measures to drive massive reductions of greenhouse gas emissions, to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, and to reflect part of the incoming energy from the Sun. For all measures, the book evaluates both advantages and disadvantages. Finally, it discusses the need to protect ourselves from impacts that have become inevitable already, and looks at how society may be driven to get the job done. In short, this book provides powerful facts and arguments to support informed choices"--
Additional Edition:
Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe, EPUB ISBN 978-0-19-750257-0
Additional Edition:
Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe ISBN 978-0-19-750258-7
Author information:
Rohling, Eelco J.