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  • 1
    Format: V, 252 S.
    Series Statement: Dokumente zur Hochschulreform 90
    Content: Inhalt: TEIL 1: Ginkel, Hans van: Renewal and Internationalisation - Reports on the Reform of Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe (Flisowski, Zdobyslaw: Transformation of Polish Higher Education - Trends and Problems in 1993 - Sewerynski, Michal: Main Results of the Reforms in Higher Education in Poland since 1989 - Holenda, Jiri: Higher Education Reform in the Czech Republic - Svec, Juraj: Higher Education Reform in the Slovak Republic - Hamori, Jozsef: Reforms in Hungarian Higher Education 1990 - 1993 - Rummo, Paul-Eerik: Reforms in Higher Education in Estonia - Constantinescu, Virgil: New Developments in Higher Education in Romania - Constantinescu, Emil: The Reform of Education and the Future of Eastern Europe - Pushkarov, D. I.: Problems of Higher Education in the Republic of Bulgaria - Lalov, Ivan: Changes in Bulgarian Higher Education - the Present Crossroads) - Western Experiences (Schilling, Guenther: Reorganisation and Renewal of the Universities of the New Laender - the Example of the Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg - Ingram, David: Changes in Higher Education in the United Kingdom since 1989). - TEIL 2: Muehle, Eduard: Perspectives on the Reforms of Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe - Guidelines for Discussion. - Discussion (The Institutional Framework of Higher Education (Chaired by Hans-Uwe Erichsen) - Financing of Higher Education (Chaired by Adrian Verspoor) - Higher Education Institutions and State (Chaired by Hans van Ginkel) - Higher Education Institutions and Research (Chaired by Guenther Schilling) - Conclusion (Hans-Uwe Erichsen)) (PHF/uebern.)
    Note: Enth. 14 Beitr.
    Language: English
    Subjects: General works
    Keywords: Osteuropa ; Hochschulreform ; Geschichte 1989-1993 ; Mitteleuropa ; Hochschulreform ; Geschichte 1989-1993 ; Hochschulrektorenkonferenz ; Hochschule ; Mitteleuropa ; Osteuropa ; Hochschulreform ; Konferenzschrift ; Konferenzschrift
    Author information: Mühle, Eduard 1957-
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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