287 S.
Technology and regions in a long time perspective : an introduction / Ingvild Øye, Randi Barndon, and Asbjørn Engevik -- Re-visiting the region and regional identity : theoretical reflections with empirical illustrations / Anssi Paasi -- From ethnology to material culture studies, and back again / Michael Rowlands -- The phenomenal promise of Chaîne Opératoire : mindfully engaged bodies and the manufacture of personhood in a regional perspective / Marcia-Anne Dobres -- Staying home for dinner : an isotopic approach to regionality in Mesolithic Atlantic Europe / Rick Schulting -- Housing and hunting : technological reproduction in the late Mesolithic Nøstvet region of eastern Norway and western Sweden / Håkon Glørstad -- Marrying the enemy : technology and regions in early Neolithic Norway / Knut Andreas Bergsvik -- A consideration of the role of bifacial lithic technology in northern Scandinavia / Lars Forsberg -- Woven and cast-entangled trajectories in north-western Scandinavia, 1000 BC / Ørjan Engedal -- Technological choices and changes and the concept of innovation : reflections on the introduction of iron in areas with different power systems / Eva Hjärthner-Holdar -- Iron technology in a regional perspective : a reflection on the technological compatibility / Lars F. Stenvik -- Exploring the dynamics of African pottery cultures / Olivier P. Gosselain -- Technological style, regional diversity and identity : asbestos regions and soapstone regions in Norway in the late Roman and migration periods / Asbjørn Engevik -- Regional approaches to technology clusters and local variation in a long term perspective : Sunnmøre in western Norway / Randi Barndon -- Re-assembling regions : the social occasions of technological exchange in Viking age Scandinavia / Søren Michael Sindbœk
Includes bibliographical references
Technology and regions in a long time perspective : an introduction
Re-visiting the region and regional identity : theoretical reflections with empirical illustrations
From ethnology to material culture studies, and back again
The phenomenal promise of Chaîne Opératoire : mindfully engaged bodies and the manufacture of personhood in a regional perspective
Staying home for dinner : an isotopic approach to regionality in Mesolithic Atlantic Europe
Housing and hunting : technological reproduction in the late Mesolithic Nøstvet region of eastern Norway and western Sweden
Marrying the enemy : technology and regions in early Neolithic Norway
A consideration of the role of bifacial lithic technology in northern Scandinavia
Woven and cast-entangled trajectories in north-western Scandinavia, 1000 BC
Technological choices and changes and the concept of innovation : reflections on the introduction of iron in areas with different power systems
Iron technology in a regional perspective : a reflection on the technological compatibility
Exploring the dynamics of African pottery cultures
Technological style, regional diversity and identity : asbestos regions and soapstone regions in Norway in the late Roman and migration periods
Regional approaches to technology clusters and local variation in a long term perspective : Sunnmøre in western Norway
Re-assembling regions : the social occasions of technological exchange in Viking age Scandinavia
Geschichte Anfänge-1500
Geschichte Anfänge-1500