1 online resource (620 pages)
1st ed.
With Germany clearly the dominant economic force in Europe, this book constitutes the only comprehensive account of the contemporary German economy currently available in English
Front Cover -- The German Economy -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- List of figures -- List of tables -- Preface -- Abbreviations -- 1. The German Economy in Perspective -- Introduction -- Unity and frontiers -- Longer-run economic trends -- Post-Second World War cycles -- The actors -- West Germany and market forms -- East Germany and the command economy -- The economics of unification -- The SME, GEMSU and EMU -- Conclusions -- 2. The Regional Dimension -- Introduction -- Economic geography and regional development -- Eastern Germany: the north-south divide -- Western Germany: the north-south divide -- Berlin -- The Ruhr and North Rhine-Westphalia -- Infrastructure, trade and environmental pollution -- The significance of federalism and the fiscal constitution -- Federalism and legislative competence -- Fiscal equalisation and legislative competence -- Fiscal equalisation: the distribution of revenue -- The framework of fiscal equalisation -- The post-war evolution of regional policy -- Regional policy: the European dimension -- The effects of unification -- Concluding remarks: regional investment programmes in Germany -- 3. Fiscal Policy -- Introduction -- Reforming the structure of taxation -- The incidence of taxation -- The allocation of tax revenue -- Budgetary policy -- Conclusion: unification and fiscal policy -- 4. Monetary Policy -- Introduction -- Decision making, goals and instruments -- The markets -- The trends in key monetary indicators -- Monetary aspects of the balance of payments -- The currency reforms of 1948 and 1990 -- The course of monetary policy -- Conclusion -- 5. Social Policy -- Introduction -- The evolution of social policy -- The structure of social policy -- Retirement-pension insurance: the general principles -- The organisation and finance of retirement-pension insurance -- Retirement-pension insurance problems
Statutory-health insurance: the general principles -- The organisation and finance of health insurance -- Health-insurance problems -- Employment promotion (unemployment insurance) -- Problems of the unemployment-insurance system -- Accident-insurance scheme -- Provision of social security and social welfare -- Social policy and unification -- The social budget after unification -- Retirement-pension insurance -- Health insurance -- Unemployment -- Accident insurance -- Social security and social welfare -- Conclusion -- 6. The Labour Market -- Introduction -- Labour market trends -- Migration -- Training -- The growth of collective bargaining -- The structure of trade unions -- Trade union policy -- Developments in industrial democracy -- Conclusion: labour market problems -- 7. Banking and Finance -- Introduction -- Basic structural features -- The private-sector commercial banks -- Private bankers -- The cooperative banks -- The BfG Bank, Allfinanz and insurance -- The public sector: Sparkassen and Landesbanken -- Special-purpose banks -- Prudential arrangements and their revision -- Corporate finance -- Deregulation and Finanzplatz Deutschland -- Housing finance and bond issues -- Some general aspects of banking -- Conclusion -- 8. Industry, Trade and Economic Policy -- Introduction -- Industrial structure -- Corporate ownership and control -- Anti-trust policy: the legal framework -- Anti-trust policy: the operation of the GWB -- Factors conducive to growth and concentration -- Mergers and acquisitions -- Privatisation, deregulation and subsidies -- The public sector -- Privatisation: the major issues -- Privatisation in West Germany -- The second privatisation decade -- Privatisation in East Germany -- The Treuhandanstalt -- Stages in the privatisation process -- Methods of privatisation -- Difficulties during the privatisation process
The extent of privatisation -- Privatisation and reorganisation -- Deregulation -- Subsidies -- West German companies and the world economy -- Phases in the development of trade -- Standort Deutschland -- Strategic trade, competition and industrial policies -- Conclusion: retrospect and prospect -- Bibliography -- Index
Additional Edition:
Print version Owen-Smith, E. The German Economy Oxford : Taylor & Francis Group,c1994 ISBN 9780415379755
Electronic books
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