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  • 1
    Format: 1 online resource (VIII, 209 p. 1 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 1992.
    Edition: Online edition Springer Lecture Notes Archive ; 041142-5
    ISBN: 3-540-46633-9
    Series Statement: Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 171
    Content: The purpose of this monograph is to describe a class of com- putational methods, based on polynomial matrices, for the design of dynamic compensators for linear multi-variable control systems. The design of the compensator, which may be either analogue or digital, is based on pole assignment. A matrix fraction description, which employs polynomial matri- ces, is used to represent the system. The design comptuta- tion, however, employs matrices of real numbers rather than polynomial matrices. This simplifies the computational pro- cedures which can thus be implementedin commercially-avai- lable software packages. Both transient and steady-state performace specifications are included in the design proce- dure which is illustrated by four detailed examples. The monograph should be of interest to research workers and engineers in the field fo multi-variable control. For the former it provides some new computational tools for the ap- plication of algebraic methods, for both groups it introdu- ces some new ideas for a more-direct approach to compensator design.
    Note: Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph , Polynomial matrices and related operations -- Model descriptions and transformations between models -- The design of the closed-loop system compensator -- Design examples -- Conclusions and suggestions for future work. , English
    In: Springer eBooks
    Additional Edition: ISBN 0-387-54992-7
    Additional Edition: ISBN 3-540-54992-7
    Language: English
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