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    San Rafael [California] (40 Oak Drive, San Rafael, CA, 94903, USA):Morgan & Claypool Publishers, | Bristol [England] (Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol BS1 6HG, UK) :IOP Publishing,
    Format: 1 online resource (various pagings) : , illustrations (some color).
    ISBN: 1-68174-118-0
    Series Statement: IOP concise physics,
    Content: The study of dark matter, in both astrophysics and particle physics, has emerged as one of the most active and exciting topics of research in recent years. This book reviews the history behind the discovery of missing mass (or unseen mass) in the universe, and ties this into the proposed extensions to the Standard Model of Particle Physics (such as Supersymmetry), which were being proposed within the same time frame. This book is written as an introduction to these problems at the forefront of astrophysics and particle physics, with the goal of conveying the physics of dark matter to beginning undergraduate majors in scientific fields. The book goes on to describe existing and upcoming experiments and techniques, which will be used to detect dark matter either directly or indirectly.
    Note: "Version: 20140901"--Title page verso. , "A Morgan & Claypool publication as part of IOP Concise Physics"--Title page verso. , Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Author biography -- 1. The need for dark matter -- 2. The formation of structure and dark matter in Galaxies -- 3. Cold dark matter, hot dark matter, and their alternatives , 4. Types of dark matter -- 4.1. WIMPs -- 4.2. SuperWIMPs -- 4.3. Sterile neutrinos -- 4.4. Axions , 5. Indirect detection of dark matter -- 5.1. WIMPs -- 5.2. SuperWIMPs -- 5.3. Sterile neutrinos , 6. Direct detection of dark matter -- 6.1. WIMPs -- 6.2. Axions -- 6.3. Detection of WIMPs and superWIMPs in particle colliders , 7. What the future holds -- 7.1. Primary anisotropy in the CMB -- 7.2. Scenario 1 : dark matter is composed of neutralinos -- 7.3. Scenario 2 : dark matter is composed of gravitinos -- 7.4. Scenario 3 : dark matter is composed of sterile neutrinos -- 7.5. Scenario 4 : dark matter is 'hidden' -- 7.6. Concluding remarks. , Also available in print.
    Additional Edition: ISBN 1-68174-054-0
    Language: English
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