III, 297 p.
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Series Statement:
Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 112
On a new computing technique in optimal control and its application to minimal time flight profile optimization -- Remarques sur la methode de Penalisation et Applications -- Recherche numerique d'un optimum dans un Espace produit -- Multiple-stage quantitative games -- On the theory of dynamic games -- On optimal algorithms for search -- Random optimization and stochastic programming -- Approximate calculation of optimal control by averaging method -- On optimal stochastic orbital transfer strategy -- Conditions d'optimalité pour les domaines de manoeuvrabilité à frontière semi-affine -- Contribution a l'etude des rendez-vous multi-impulsionnels, optimaux, de duree moyenne, entre orbites quasi-circulaires, proches, non coplanaires / ????? ? ???????????? ?????-??????????, ??????????? ??????, ??????? ????????????????? ????? ?????-?????????, ?????????, ??????????????? ???????? / Contribution to the Study of the Multi-Impulse Optimal Rendez-Vous of Medium Duration, Between Near-Circular, Non Coplanar, Close Orbits / Beitrag zur Untersuchung der multiimpulsionellen, optimalen Begegnungen mittlerer Dauer zwischen quasi-kreisförmigen, benachbarten, nicht komplanar -- Etude du sens optimal des commutations dans la theorie de contensou-pontryagin / Study of the optimal direction of commutations in the contensou-pontryagin theory -- Conjugate points on extremal rocket paths -- A maximum-minimum principle for bang-bang systems -- Weight limitation influence on optimum motion parameters of a body of variable mass -- Parameters optimization of the dynamic system, universal for the given class of maneuvers -- An investigation of optimal rocket flight in the vicinity of a planet -- The problems of optimalization in dynamic multi-branch industrial models.
Springer eBooks
Additional Edition:
Printed edition: ISBN 9783540049012