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  • 1
    Format: XV, 317 p. 34 illus., 4 illus. in color. , online resource.
    ISBN: 9783540478003
    Series Statement: Lecture Notes in Physics, 463
    Content: Understanding the formation and evolution of early galaxies is one of the most challenging problems in modern astronomy. In this volume leading specialists describe observations of high and intermediate redshift galaxies as well as the deep survey activities. Further topics include cosmology, and modelling and computer simulations of galaxy formation. Thus the reader will find here a fairly complete picture of the state of the art in this active field of astrophysics research.
    Note: The hot big bang and beyond -- Cosmological structure formation in hot and cold dark matter scenarios -- Observations and cosmological models -- Fluctuation spectra and high-redshift objects -- Galaxies at high redshift: 1994 -- High-redshift Milli-Jansky radio galaxies -- Spectroscopy and imaging of a forming galaxy causing damped ly ? absorption at z=2.81 -- Ly ? absorption in 4C 41.17 -- The revolution in studies of distant radio galaxies -- Detection of 10h ?1 Mpc quasar/absorber correlation at high redshift -- Large-scale structure at z?2.5 -- Spectroscopy of 600 faint field galaxies at CFHT: luminosity function to z=1 and properties of blue emission-line galaxies at z.
    In: Springer eBooks
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9783540605867
    Language: English
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