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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    London :Elsevier Science,
    Format: 1 online resource (187 p.)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 0-12-801441-5
    Content: This summary of recent research in neuroeconomics aims to explain how and why a person can sometimes be generous, helpful, and cooperative, yet other times behave in a self-interested and/or exploitative manner. The book explains a dual process of analysis measuring immediate needs of the individual, relative to long term gains possible through prosocial behavior (e.g. synergy, accumulating profits, (in)direct reciprocity) with the output further mitigated by the motivation of the individual at that moment and any special circumstances of the environment. Ultimately it can be shown that proso
    Note: Description based upon print version of record. , Front Cover; Neuroeconomics of Prosocial Behavior; Copyright Page; Contents; Preface; 1 Two Routes to Cooperation; 1.1 The Evolutionary Origins of Prosocial Behavior; 1.2 What do we Mean by Prosociality?; 1.2.1 Different Types of Prosocial Behaviors; 1.2.2 Social Dilemmas; 1.3 Hic et nunc Reasons for Prosocial Behavior: Two Routes to Cooperation; 1.3.1 Incentive Based Cooperation; 1.3.2 Trust-Based Cooperation; 1.4 Rationality and the Brain; 1.5 Summary; References; 2 The Neuroanatomy of Prosocial Decision Making: The Role of Valuation, Cognitive Control, and Social Cognition , 2.1 Opening the "Black Box" of Decision Making2.1.1 Neuroeconomic Methods; 2.1.2 Functional Organization of the Brain; 2.2 A Model for (Pro)Social Decision Making Based on Incentives and Trust; 2.3 Reward System Computes the Subjective Expected Value of (Pro)Social Decisions; 2.3.1 Neuroeconomic Studies that Corroborate the Role of the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex and Ventral Striatum in (Pro)So...; 2.3.2 Context Modulates Valuation and Activity in the Reward System; 2.4 Cognitive Control System Processes Extrinsic Incentives , 2.4.1 Neuroeconomic Studies that Corroborate the Role of the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex, Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cort...2.5 Social Cognition System Processes Trust and Threat Signals; 2.5.1 Neuroeconomic Studies that Corroborate the Role of the Medial Prefrontal Cortex, Temporoparietal Junction, and Amygda...; 2.6 Summary; References; 3 Neurochemistry of Prosocial Decision Making: The Role of Dopamine, Serotonin, and Oxytocin; 3.1 Dopamine; 3.1.1 Medial Dopamine System and Incentive Salience; 3.1.2 Lateral Dopamine System and Cognitive Control; 3.2 Serotonin; 3.3 Oxytocin , 3.3.1 Neural and Behavioral Responses to a Change in Central Oxytocin3.3.2 Effect of Oxytocin Depends on a Species' Evolutionary History; 3.3.3 Effect of Oxytocin Depends on Context; 3.3.4 Effect of Oxytocin Depends on Personality; 3.4 Summary; References; 4 Individual Differences in Prosocial Decision Making: Social Values as a Compass; 4.1 How Social Values Become Part and Parcel of Stable Personality Types; 4.1.1 Environmental Influences on Prosocial Behavior; 4.1.2 Genetic Influences on Prosocial Behavior; 4.1.3 Gene Environment Interactive Effects on Prosocial Behavior , 4.2 Social Values Define the Type of Rationality that Underscores Prosocial Decision Making: A Conceptual Model4.2.1 Value Inclination; 4.2.2 Contextual Influences; 4.2.3 Brain Processes and Behavior; Direct Measures; Indirect Measures; 4.3 Costly Punishment and Strong Reciprocators; 4.3.1 Laboratory Experiments Showing Strong Reciprocity; 4.3.2 Neural Correlates of Punishment; 4.3.3 Can this Paradox be Resolved by Gaining Insight into Individual Differences?; 4.4 Summary; References; 5 Beyond Parochialism: Cooperation Across the Globe; 5.1 Heuristics and Rationality , 5.2 Groups Define the Boundaries of Prosocial Behavior , English
    Additional Edition: ISBN 0-12-801303-6
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books.
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