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  • 1
    Format: XII, 156 p. , online resource.
    Edition: 1st ed. 2004.
    ISBN: 9783540444831
    Series Statement: Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, 205
    Content: Three-dimensional x-ray diffraction (3DXRD) microscopy is a novel experimental method for structural characterisation of polycrystalline materials. The position, morphology, phase, strain and crystallographic orientation of hundreds of grains or sub-grain embedded within mm-cm thick specimens can be determined simultaneously. Furthermore, the dynamics of the individual structural elements can be monitored during typical processes such as deformation or annealing. The book gives a comprehensive account of the methodology followed by a summary of selected applications. The method is presented from a mathematical/crystallographic point-of-view but with sufficient hands-on details to enable the reader to plan his or her own experiments. The scope of applications includes work in materials science and engineering, geophysics, geology, chemistry and pharmaceutical science.
    Note: Introduction -- Methods for Meso-scale Structural Characterization -- Geometric Principles -- GRAINDEX and Related Analysis -- Orientation Mapping -- Combining 3DXRD and Absorption Contrast Tomography -- Multi-grain Crystallography -- The 3DXRD Microscope -- Applications -- Alternative Approaches -- Concluding Remarks.
    In: Springer Nature eBook
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9783662145432
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9783540223306
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9783662145425
    Language: English
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