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  • 1
    Format: 1 online resource (30 p.)
    ISBN: 1-4843-7087-2 , 1-4843-6300-0 , 1-4843-8059-2
    Series Statement: IMF working paper ; WP/13/73
    Content: We use a heterogeneous panel VAR model identified through factor analysis to study the dynamic response of exports, imports, and per capita GDP growth to a “global” aid shock. We find that a global aid shock can affect exports, imports, and growth either positively or negatively. As a result, the relation between aid and growth is mixed, consistent with the ambiguous results in the existing literature. For most countries in the sample, when aid reduces exports and imports, it also reduces growth; and, when aid increases exports and imports, it also increases growth. This evidence is consistent with a DD hypothesis, but also shows that aid-receiving countries are not “doomed” to catch DD.
    Note: Description based upon print version of record. , Cover; Contents; 1. Introduction; 2. Methodology; 2.1 Empirical Model; 2.2 Estimation; 2.3 Identification of a global aid shock; 3. Data; 4. Results; 5. Conclusion; References; Tables; 1. Growth, Aid, and Trade Flow Persistence: Sample Autocorrelations; 2. Country Loadings on Global Aid (i.e., Average Aid-to-GDP, 1966-2002); 3. Cumulative Impact of Global Aid Shock on Per Capita Growth and Export-to-GDP and Selected variables; 4. Country Groups; Figures; 1. Global Aid (i.e., Average Aid-to-GDP, 1966-2002; 2. Alternative Measures of Global Aid (1966-2002) , 3. Per Capita GDP Growth and Export to GDP: Cumulative Impulse Responses to Global Aid Shock4. Cumulative Impulse Responses to Global Aid Shock (Grouped by Growth Response); 5. Cumulative Impulse Responses to Global Aid Shock (Grouped by Export Response); 6. Variance Shares Due to Global Aid Shock , English
    Additional Edition: ISBN 1-4843-2011-5
    Language: English
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