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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    San Diego :Academic Press, Inc.,
    Format: 1 online resource (656 p.)
    ISBN: 0-323-13761-X , 1-299-19504-0
    Content: This text is the successor volume to Biophysical Plant Physiology and Ecology (W.H. Freeman, 1983). The content has been extensively updated based on the growing quantity and quality of plant research, including cell growth and water relations, membrane channels, mechanisms of active transport, and the bioenergetics of chloroplasts and mitochondria. One-third of the figures are new or modified, over 190 new references are incorporated, the appendixes on constants and conversion factors have doubled the number of entries, and the solutions to problems are given for the first time. Many o
    Note: Description based upon print version of record. , Front Cover; Physicochemical and Environmental Plant Physiology; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Preface; Symbols and Abbreviations; CHAPTER1. CELLS AND DIFFUSION; Cell Structure; Diffusion; Membrane Structure; Membrane Permeability; Cell Walls; Problems; References; CHAPTER2. WATER; Physical Properties; Chemical Potential; Central Vacuole and Chloroplasts; Water Potential and Plant Cells; Problems; References; CHAPTER3. SOLUTES; Chemical Potential of Ions; Fluxes and Diffusion Potentials; Characteristics of Crossing Membranes; Mechanisms for Crossing Membranes , Principles of Irreversible ThermodynamicsSolute Movement across Membranes; Problems; References; CHAPTER4. LIGHT; Wavelength and Energy; Absorption of Light by Molecules; De-excitation; Absorption Spectra and Action Spectra; Problems; References; CHAPTER5. PHOTOCHEMISTRY OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS; Chlorophyll-Chemistry and Spectra; Other Photosynthetic Pigments; Excitation Transfers among Photosynthetic Pigments; Groupings of Photosynthetic Pigments; Electron Flow; Problems; References; CHAPTER6. BIOENERGETICS; Gibbs Free Energy; Biological Energy Currencies; Chloroplast Bioenergetics , Mitochondrial BioenergeticsEnergy Flow in the Biosphere; Problems; References; CHAPTER7. TEMPERATURE-ENERGY BUDGETS; Energy Budget-Radiation; Wind-Heat Conduction and Convection; Latent Heat-Transpiration; Soil; Further Examples of Energy Budgets; Problems; References; CHAPTER8. LEAVES AND FLUXES; Resistances and Conductances-Transpiration; Water Vapor Fluxes Accompanying Transpiration; CO2 Conductances and Resistances; CO2 Fluxes Accompanying Photosynthesis; Water-Use Efficiency; Problems; References; CHAPTER9. PLANTS AND FLUXES; Gas Fluxes above the Leaf Canopy , Gas Fluxes within Plant CommunitiesSoil; Water Movement in the Xylem and the Phloem; The Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum; Problems; References; APPENDICES; I Numerical Values of Constants and Coefficients; II Conversion Factors and Definitions; III Mathematical Relations; IV Gibbs Free Energy and Chemical Potential; SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS; INDEX
    Additional Edition: ISBN 0-08-051385-9
    Additional Edition: ISBN 0-12-520021-8
    Language: English
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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