1 online resource (524 pages) :
illustrations, graphs
Sport and Exercise Psychology Research: From Theory to Practice provides a comprehensive summary of new research in sport and exercise psychology from worldwide researchers. Encompassing theory, research, and applications, the book is split into several themed sections. Section 1 discusses basic antecedents to performance including fitness, practice, emotion, team dynamics, and more. Section 2 identifies factors influencing individual performance. Section 3 discusses applied sport psychology for athletes and coaches, and section 4 includes approaches from exercise psychology on motivation and well-being. The book includes a mix of award winning researchers from the European Sport Psychology Association, along with top researchers from the U.S. to bring an international overview to sport psychology. - Provided by the publisher.
European perspective on sport psychology /
Prerequisites of sport and exercise psychology --
Importance of instruction in sport and exercise psychology /
Benefits of physical activity and fitness for lifelong cognitive and motor development - brain and behavior /
Visual perception and motor action: issues in current quiet-eye research /
Learning a motor action "from within": insights into perceptual-cognitive changes with mental and physical practice /
Perspectives on team cognition and team sports /
Individual differences in sport and exercise psychology --
Antecedents of need supportive and controlling interpersonal styles from a self-determination theory perspective: a review and implications for sport psychology research /
Why self-talk is effective? perspectives on self-talk mechanisms in sport /
Personality-trait-like individual differences: much more than noise in the background for sport and exercise psychology /
Promoting acculturation through sport: an ethnic-cultural identity approach /
Perspectives from sport psychology --
Doing sport psychology critical reflections of a scientist-practitioner /
Theoretical developments in career transition research: contributions of European sport psychology /
Holistic perspective on the development of elite athletes /
Serial winning coaches: people , vision and environment /
Sexual harassment and abuse in sport: implications for sport psychologists /
Theory-based team diagnostics and interventions /
Perspectives from exercise psychology --
Empowering and disempowering coaching climates: conceptualization, measurement considerations, and intervention implications /
Escape from cognitivism: exercise as hedonic experience /
Coach behaviors and goal motives as predictors of attainment and well-being in sport /
Health assets and active lifestyles during preadolescence and adolescence: highlights from the GBSC/WHO health survey and implications for health promotion /
Emotional experiences and interpersonal relations in physical activity as health prevention and treatment- a psychodynamic group approach /