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  • 1
    Format: 1 online resource (VII, 359 p. 4 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 1983.
    Edition: Online edition Springer Lecture Notes Archive ; 041142-5
    ISBN: 3-540-38761-7
    Series Statement: Lecture Notes in Physics, 192
    Note: Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph , Frustration and disorder new problems in statistical mechanics spin glasses in a historical perspective -- Experimental studies of the low-temperature properties of spin glasses -- Some recent high-temperature experiments on spin-glasses -- Relaxation effects in spin glasses around the freezing temperature -- Non-linear susceptibilities and spin-glass transition in CuMn -- The ferro- and ferrimagnetic — spin glass transition as studied by Mössbauer spectroscopy -- The ferromagnetic to spin glass crossover in EuxSr1-x -- Broken symmetry in the mean-field theory of the ising spin glass Replica way and no replica way -- The infinite-ranged m-vector spin glass -- Long-range Heisenberg spin glasses in a magnetic field: Theory and experiment -- Spin glass behavior in finite numerical samples -- Equilibrium theory of spin glasses: Mean-field theory and beyond -- Broken ergodicity in spin glasses -- Spin glasses and frustration models: analytical results -- A study of short-range spin glasses -- The spin glass transition: a comparison of Monte Carlo simulations of nearest-neighbor Ising Edwards-Anderson models with experiments -- Numerical simulations of spin glasses -- Numerical studies of spin glasses -- The spin glass: Still a problem?. , English
    In: Springer eBooks
    Additional Edition: ISBN 3-540-12872-7
    Language: English
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