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  • 1
    Format: 1 online resource (162 pages).
    Series Statement: Universität Karlsruhe
    Content: The approach of a laser scanning headlamp for adaptive light functions includes six laser sources which are deviated on a micro mirror. The oscillation of that mirror generates an extended light distribution on a white light converter which is then projected on the road. This work describes that approach and presents methods to evaluate the homogeneity of headlamp light distributions.
    Note: Abstract -- Kufzfassung -- Danksagung -- 1 Motivation -- 2 Gmndlagen -- 3 Technologische Beschreibung eines Laserscannersystems -- 4 Homogenitatsbewertung von Uchtfunktionen -- 5 Physiologische Bewertung eines Laserscannersystems bezuglich der Homogenital -- 6 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick -- Lfteraturverzerchnis AAnhang.
    Additional Edition: ISBN 1000157034
    Language: English
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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