Online-Ressource (XVIII, 328p. 21 illus., 5 illus. in color, digital)
Series Statement:
Embitterment is a distinct state of mood known to everyone. It can be seen in the context of exceptional though 'normal' negative life events. It is an emotional reaction e.g. to humiliation, to being severely disappointed by others, or to violations of basic values. Embitterment is accompanied by other emotions like feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, poor moods and a lack of drive, and aggression towards oneself and others. It can end in suicide or even murder-suicide and in a distinct pathological state known as 'Posttraumatic Embitterment Disorder (PTED)'. But despite the high preva
Includes bibliographical references and index
Title Page; Copyright Page; Preface; Table of Contents; List of contributors; 1 Introduction; References; 2 Features of embitterment; 2.1 Embitterment - a larger perspective on a forgotten emotion; 2.1.1 Embitterment in the context of specific stressors; 2.1.2 A circumplex model of embitterment; 2.1.3 Research findings; Development of the Bern Embitterment Inventory; Embitterment in different populations; Embitterment and related constructs; 2.1.4 Discussion and outlook; References; 2.2 Hope and embitterment; 2.2.1 What is hope?; 2.2.2 An overview on hope concepts; Emotion based theories
Cognition based theoriesConcepts combining cognition and emotion; Multidimensional hope concepts; A consensus definition; 2.2.3 Why is hope important in psychiatry?; Hope as a predictive variable; Hope and traumatization; 2.2.4 Hope and embitterment disorder; References; 2.3 Embitterment - from the perspective of justice psychology; 2.3.1 Injustice and Posttraumatic Embitterment Disorder (PTED); 2.3.2 The belief in a just world construct; 2.3.3 Functions of the belief in a just world; Belief in a just world and the trust in justice; Belief in a just world as a justice motive indicator
Belief in a just world and the assimilation of injusticeBelief in a just world and subjective well-being; 2.3.4 Belief in a just world operates on an unconscious level; 2.3.5 Conclusions for posttraumatic embitterment disorder; References ; 2.4 Revenge after trauma:Theoretical outline; 2.4.1 Introduction: Embitterment and revenge; 2.4.2 Revenge in the context of trauma; 2.4.3 Revenge as a coping strategy; 2.4.4 Toward a definition of revenge; Revenge as a complex emotion; 2.4.5 A theoretical process model of revenge; Interrelationship between PTSD and revenge phenomena
Emotions as mediators of the PTSD-revenge relationshipCognitions as mediators of the PTSD-revenge relationship; Motivational factors of the PTSD-revenge relationship; The relationship between revenge and forgiveness; 2.4.6 The course of feelings of revenge; 2.4.7 Revenge and health; 2.4.8 Coming full circle:Therapeutic implications and research perspectives; References; 2.5 "She looks back without bitterness":Wisdom as a developmental opposite of embitterment?; 2.5.1 Wisdom: A developmental opposite of embitterment?; 2.5.2 The psychology of wisdom: A heterogeneous but growing field
What laypeople think wisdom isWhat wisdom psychologists think wisdom is; The Berlin wisdommodel; Ardelt's three-dimensional wisdommodel; 2.5.3 How does wisdom develop?; The MORE wisdom model; 2.5.4 Can wisdom research inform bitterness research?; References; 2.6 Personality as risk and resilience in embitterment reactions; 2.6.1 Introduction; 2.6.2 Level of personality traits; Neuroticism; Trait anger and hostility; 2.6.3 Level of social-cognitive constructs; External locus of control and pessimism; Hypervalent schemas; 2.6.4 Emotion regulation and Coping; Rumination
Reappraisal and Suppression
Additional Edition:
ISBN 9783211997406
Additional Edition:
Buchausg. u.d.T. Embitterment Wien : Springer, 2011 ISBN 3211997407
Additional Edition:
ISBN 9783211997406
Posttraumatische Verbitterungsstörung
Author information:
Linden, Michael 1948-
Author information:
Maercker, Andreas 1960-