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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
    Format: Online-Ressource
    ISBN: 9783642110542
    Series Statement: C.I.M.E. Summer Schools 43
    Content: No description available.
    Content: C. Agostinelli: Sul problema delle aurore boreali e il moto di un corpuscolo elettrizzato in presenza di un dipolo magnetico.- G. Colombo: Introduction to the theory of earth's motion about its center of mass.- E.M. Gaposchkin: The motion of the pole and the earth's elasticity as studied from the gravity field of the earth by means of artificial earth satellites.- I.I. Shapiro: Radar astronomy, general relativity, and celestial mechanics.- V. Szebehely: Applications of the restricted problem of three bodies in space research.- G.A. Wilkins: The analysis of the observation of the satellites of
    Note: Description based upon print version of record , Modern Questions of Celestial Mechanics; Copyright Page; Contents; Sul Problema Delle Aurore Boreali Moto di un Corpuscolo Elettrizzato in Presenza di un Dipolo Magnetico; Introduzione; Equazioni del moto di un corpuscolo elettrizzato nel campo di un dipolo magnetico. Integrali primi ed equazioni ridotte; Linee di livello e eampi in cui si svolgono le traiettorie; Risoluzione analitica del problems. Caso in cui la costante c delle aree è esterna all'intervallo(0, m) , Regolarizzazione delle equzioni del moto e risoluzione del problema nel caso in cui la costante delle aree è compresa nell'intervallo (0, m)Bibliografia; Introduction to the Theory of Earth's Motion About its Center of Mass; Introduction; 1. Liouville equation; 2. The Chandler Wobble; 3. Precession and nutation; 4. Forced component and excitation and damping of Chandler wobble; The Motion of The Pole and The Earth's Elasticity as Studied from The Gravity Field of The Earth by Means of Artificial Earth Satellites 1; 1. Introduction; 2. Description of the Phenomenon , 3. The Deformation of The Earth4. Determination of The Gravity Field of The Earth; 5. Summary; Bibliography; Radar Astronomy, General Relativity, and Celestial Mechanics; I. Introduction; II. Characteristics of Radar; III. Time Delays and Doppler Shifts; IV. General Relativity - Theory; V. General Relativity - Experimental Tests; VI. Axial Rotations of Mercury and Venus; Bibliography; Figure Captionn; Applications of The Restricted Problem of Three Bodies in Space Research; 1. Statement of the problem; 2. Equations of motion; 3. Reductions; Untitled; Untitled; Untitled; Untitled , The Analysis of The Observations of The Satellites of Mars1. Introduction; 2. A general procedure for the analysis of observation; 3. The analysis for the satellites of Mars; References;
    Language: English
    Subjects: Physics , Mathematics
    Keywords: Himmelsmechanik ; Electronic books
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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