xxii, 446 S.
Series Statement:
Lecture notes in geoinformation and cartography
Cartography and geographic information (GI) are remarkably appropriate for early warning (EW) and crises management (CM) needs. Use of geospatial technology has tremendously increased in the last several years. ICT has changed from just using maps created in advance to new approaches allowing individuals (decision-makers) to use cartography interactively, on the basis of individual users requirement. The new generation of cartographic visualizations based on standardisation, formal modelling, use of sensors, semantics and ontology, allows for better adaptation of information to the needs of the users. To design a new culture in pre-disaster and disaster management it is also needed to consider safety/security/privacy aspects of institutions and citizens. All this can be achieved only by demonstrating new research achievements, sharing best practices (e.g. in the health area) and working towards wider society acceptance of geospatial technology (e.g. with the help education and media).This book will outline research frontiers and applications of cartography and GI in EW and CM and document their roles and potentials in wider processes going on in information/knowledge-based societies.
MAB0014.001: M 10.0136