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  • 1
    Cambridge [u.a.] : Cambridge Univ. Press
    Format: XIV, 457 S. : graph. Darst.
    Edition: 1. paperback ed.
    ISBN: 0521458250
    Series Statement: Cambridge atmospheric and space science series 2
    Content: Contents: Preface. - Partial list of symbols. - 1 Introduction. - 2 Function fitting. - 3 The method of successive corrections. - 4 Statistical interpolation: univariate. - 5 Statistical interpolation: multivariate. - 6 The initialization problem. - 7 Quasi-geostrophic constraints. - 8 Variational procedures. - 9 Normal mode initialization: theory. - 10 Normal mode initialization: applications. - 11 Dynamic initialization. - 12 Continuous data assimilation. - 13 Future directions. - Appendices. - References. - Index
    Note: MAB0014.001: AWI S2-95-0118 , Literaturverz. S. 439 - 454
    In: Cambridge atmospheric and space science series
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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