1 DVD (140 Min.), 1 CD
digital 2.0 stereo, surround 5.1
Das Konzert zur aktuellen CD des Schweizer Superstars René Baumann, besser bekannt als DJ BoBo. Die knapp 2-stündige Show gleicht in manchen Teilen einem Rockmusical mit opulenten Effekten, Bühnenaufbauten, Choreografien und Kostümen. DJ BoBo ist schon seit 15 Jahren mit immer aufwendigeren Bühnendarbietungen unterwegs. - Zu den 29 Musiknummern kommt eine halbstündige Tourdoku. Die beiliegende CD enthält Ausschnitte des Konzertes.
DVD 9, PAL, Bild-Format 16:9, Region code: free
DVD: Come to your master. Rock the night. Because of you. Insomnia. Together. The dancing fight. Somebody dance with me. I believe. Everybody. It's my life. Hypnosis. Vampires are alive. Celebration. We gotta hold on. What a feeling. Dangerous. Creature of the night. The last vampire. Amazing life. Freedom. The flying piano. Where is your love. Take control. Let the dream come true. Pray. The chossen one. There is a party. Olé olé. Chihuahua. Exclusive private tour documentary.
CD: Rock the night. Together. Somebody dance with me. I believe. Everybody. It's my life. Vampires are alive. Celebration. We gotta hold on. What a feeling. Dangerous. Creature of the night. The last vampire. Amazing life. Freedom. Where is your love. Take control. Let the dream come true. Pray. Olé olé. Chihuahua.
Author information:
DJ Bobo