279 Seiten
Enth.: Sailing. Lady. It's still rock and roll to me. Longer. Physical. Arthur's Theme. For Sure, for certain, forever, for always. Truly. Gloria. All night long. Every breath you take. Hello. Penny lover. Stuck on you. What's love got to do with it. If this is it. The heart of rock and roll. The power of love. Say you, say me. If you love somebody set them free. The way it is. Hip to be square. Addicted to love. Love will conquer all. Still within the sound of my voice. Dancing on the ceiling. Stuck with you. Jacob's laddar. Mandolin rain. Luka. Ballerina Girl. Man in the mirror. Hold on to the nights. Endless summer nights. Should've known better. Where do broken hearts go. Edge of a broken heart. Sweet child o' mine. The valley road. Perfect world. Listen to your heart. Right here waiting. Satisfied. The look. The end of the innocence. My heart can't tell you no. Paradise city. Nick of time. I do. Patience